在上個故事裡,我們說到小動物們放學啦!今天我們一起來看看放學的路上又發生了什麼好玩的事情吧! In our last story, we said that the little animals had finished their first day at school. Let’s see what happened on their way home! |
On the way home, everyone walked together hand in hand. The afterglow of the sunset turned everything red.

Victor the Gorilla just had a banana but he was still hungry.
皮皮猩 Victor 剛才吃了一根香蕉,但是還是很餓。
Suddenly, from the roadside came a red fox, holding a huge bunch of yellow bananas, saying, “I just picked these. They are more delicious than the ones sold at the markets.”

Pandora the Elephant urged him not to take the bananas. “Victor, the teacher taught us not to eat food that a stranger gives you…”
呆萌象 Pandora 阻止皮皮猩,告訴他不要去拿那些香蕉:「Victor,老師說我们不可以隨便吃陌生人给的食物……」

Before Pandora could finish her sentence, Victor the Gorilla had grasped the bananas from the fox and started to eat.
The fox said, “Victor, I know a large banana forest. Let’s go get some!”
Victor the Gorilla couldn’t resist the temptation and followed the fox alone and walked farther and farther.
皮皮猩 Victor 經不住誘惑,於是一個人跟着红狐狸越走越遠。

It was getting darker and darker. 天色越来越暗。
“Shouldn’t we be there by now?” Victor the Gorilla asked, feeling strange. 「怎麼還沒有到?」皮皮猩 Victor 覺得很奇怪。
“Just go a bit farther!” said the fox. 「再往前一點點!」红狐狸说。
Suddenly, the fox stopped in front of a cave. 突然,在一個山洞前,红狐狸停了下來。
“Would there be bananas here?” Victor the Gorilla started to worry. 這裡會有香蕉嗎?「皮皮猩Victor開始懷疑。」
“Just enter the cave.” said the fox and pushed Victor the Gorilla in. 「先進去吧。」红狐狸邊說邊推了皮皮猩 Victor 一把。
It was completely dark in the cave, and Victor the Gorilla cried fearfully, “Fox, where are you?”
山洞裡黑的伸手不見五指,皮皮猩 Victor 害怕地大喊:「红狐狸,你在哪?」
“Ha ha ha, you dummy! There are no bananas here at all.” the fox gloated, blocked the cave’s mouth with a huge rock, and then ran away.
Victor the Gorilla got lost in the dark cave, crying sadly. 皮皮猩 Victor 在黑漆漆的山洞裡出不来,委屈地大哭起来。

If you want to know whether Victor the Gorilla arrived home and how his friends might save him, join our forest adventure next week!
想不想知道皮皮猩 Victor 有沒有順利回家呢?動物們又想了什麼點子來救他呢?下次和我们一起繼續叢林大冒险吧!
Good night and sweet dreams. 晚安,好夢。
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