小猴子莫迪頑皮又好動,每天他都喜歡去森林深處玩盪鞦韆,他玩的鞦韆很特别。從一棵樹上跳到另一棵樹,莫迪感覺自己好像在飛翔。對於莫迪來說,這是一個美妙的鞦韆。 |
Modi was a little naughty monkey. He liked playing on the “swing”. His swing was unique. Jumping from a tall tree to another, Modi felt like flying. To Modi, it was a wonderful swing.

Looking at happy Modi flying between trees, Modi’s little sister Molly envied him a lot, as she could only climb and sit in a tree, instead of jumping from tree to tree. She was afraid of falling on the ground without being able to grasp another tree.
Modi found his timid little sister and said, “Jump and leap like a bird in the sky!” However, Molly was still afraid of jumping from a high place. She began to cry out of fear.
莫迪看到後說:「跳啊,像天空中的小鳥一樣!」 但是茉莉還是不敢從高處跳下,然後就哭了。
Modi didn’t give up helping her. He jumped to another tree and stretched his arms out toward Molly. Then Molly felt better and tried to jump on the tree. She tried her best to lean forward and stretch her body.

Since it was Molly’s first jump like this, she almost failed to reach another tree. “Don’t worry. Take a deep breath and then jump.” said Modi and stretched his arms out again to catch his little sister, Molly finally made her first “swing”. “You made it, Molly!” said Modi happily.

But Molly was not quite pleased with this leap. She jumped back again and made it, she succeeded in finishing jumping from a 10 meter high cedar to another tree. Modi was very happy for his little sister. From then on, there was one fewer timid monkey who could only sit in a tree. Instead, there was one more pair of happy monkeys who could jump and leap between trees.

Without Modi’s help and encouragement, there wouldn’t have been a successful leap for Molly. Likewise, without Molly’s brave attempt, there wouldn’t have been a happy ending for this story.
After this successful jump and long day, Modi and Molly felt sleepy. They went home and went to bed. Dear children, it’s time to go to bed. Good night and sweet dreams!

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