上周,我們講到了大家歷經辛苦終於將困在山洞的皮皮猩 Victor 救了出來。那麼他們回家後一起慶祝了嗎? Last week, Victor the Gorilla’s friends finally rescued him from the cave. Did they celebrate after they got home? |
When Victor the Gorilla arrived home with the other kids, it was quite late and everyone was a bit tired. But the delight of having saved their friend made everyone a bit excited. Teacher Rolin the Owl found no excuse to refuse them. Victor the Gorilla took out his favorite snacks and toys, saying, “Enjoy yourselves, my friends!”
皮皮猩 Victor 和大家一起回到家時,天色已經不早了。但大家都想慶祝一下。貓頭鷹老師 Rolin 拗不過大家,答應了。皮皮猩 Victor 拿出了自己最愛吃的零食放在餐桌上,拿出了自己最愛玩的玩具放在地上,對小伙伴說:「大家不要客氣,隨便吃隨便玩。」

While everyone was having fun, Victor the Gorilla took his favorite wooden horse out of his room. He said, “This is my favorite toy. It’s fun to ride on. Who wants to try?”
正當大家吃喝玩樂得最開心的時候,皮皮猩 Victor 從房間拿出了他最喜歡的木馬玩具。皮皮猩 Victor 說:「這是我最喜歡的玩具,很好玩喔,你可以騎在它身上。誰想試試看?」
Both Iris the Deer and Pandora the Elephant wanted to be the first to try and began to argue. Neither of them would compromise. Victor the Gorilla felt awkward and didn’t know what to do. Teacher Rolin the Owl saw the problem and said, “Since both of you want to play with the wooden horse, you can play rock-paper-scissors to decide who can be the first. But, I think that a well-mannered child must know how to share with others.”
幻想鹿 Iris 和呆萌象 Pandora 都想第一個嘗試,兩個人開始爭吵,誰也不讓誰。皮皮猩 Victor 站在旁編不知道要怎麼辦才好。這個時候,貓頭鷹老師 Rolin 看見了,走過来說:「既然你們兩個人都想玩木馬玩具,你們可以用石頭剪刀布來决定誰先玩誰後玩。不過老師覺得最有教養的孩子一定是會讓别人先玩的,因為他懂得禮讓、和别人分享。

After hearing Teacher Rolin’s words, Iris the Deer and Pandora the Elephant both bowed their heads in shame. They argued again, but this time they wanted the other to be the first. Everyone looked at them and smiled.
聽到貓頭鷹老師 Rolin 的話後,幻想鹿 Iris 和呆萌象 Pandora 都羞愧地低下了頭。她們又互相「爭執」起來,不過這次是爭著讓對方先玩。大家看着她們都笑了。

Victor the Gorilla’s room was filled with laughter again. The children in the Happy Forest had an unforgettable and enjoyable evening. After the party, Victor the Gorilla noticed something that made him sad. What was it? Let’s find out next week!
皮皮猩 Victor 的房間裡面又響起了歡聲笑語。Happy Forest 的小伙伴們度過了難忘而又有意義的一個晚上。不過派對结束後,皮皮猩 Victor 發現了一件令他很難過的事情。會是什麼呢?下周再見啦!
Good night and sweet dreams.

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