
Freddy, a ten-year-old boy, brought all his books when he moved to his new house.
His parents bought him a second-hand bookcase to accommodate his beloved books.

It was an ordinary-looking black bookcase.
When little Freddy put his favorite science-fiction books and comic books onto the shelves, he heard a strange sound from the bookcase.

“Ah, I have not seen so many new books in years,” The bookcase said – and it sounded excited!
Freddy couldn’t believe his ears and turned around: “What?! Are you talking to me?”
Freddy不能相信自己的耳朵,轉過身來: 「什麼?!你是在跟我說話嗎? 」
“Yes, sorry to have shocked you. I usually keep silent, but I’m too excited today.”
「 是的,對不起嚇到你了。我平時都保持沉默的,但我今天太興奮了。」
“Wow, a talking bookcase! It’s like science fiction! You’re much cooler than a talking robot,” Freddy said, curiously looking at the bookcase.
“Hmm, I’ve had a glance over all your books here, and it seems that you have great taste in books,” the bookcase replied, as if it knew everything.

“How do you know that?” Freddy was even more curious.
“I’m 50 years old, and have shelved hundreds of thousands of books. I can read very fast,” the bookcase said.
“Wow, even cooler. I haven’t even read all my books yet.
Since you can read so fast, can you tell me the stories so that I do not need to turn the pages?” Freddy said.
Dear children, maybe our talking bookcase will tell you a story next time.
Now, go to bed and sweet dreams.
親子共讀英文說故事,正是把豐富多彩的英文帶到家,透過適當的繪本、故事書,孩子可以接觸到大量的、豐富的、可以傳遞資訊的英文。全球擁有超過 30,000 名雙認證外師的 tutorJr,以輕鬆快樂的方式,增進口說對話能力,上課時間可彈性安排,節省家長的寶貴時間,每天只要 25 分鐘,沉浸在母語式的環境當中,自然而然提升學習興趣與孩子信心。
現在只要填寫以下表單,就送您的孩子「YLE 劍橋兒童英文 18 堂+線上繪本故事集」&「學生英語教育補助計畫」、英文程度分析和試聽課程,可以了解 tutorJr 為兒童專屬規劃的課程與教學方式是否適合您的小孩,讓孩子的視界更寬廣,只需一分鐘的時間:(每人限填一份喔,孩子需3歲以上)