
It was summer: hot and sunny. The grasshopper, instead of working and preparing for winter, preferred to dance, sing and play his violin. He didn’t worry that these wonderful days would soon be over and that cold and rainy days were to follow.

Just then, a hardworking ant passed by. He was preparing for the hard winter that was to come. Upon seeing the ant, the grasshopper invited him to share in his fun.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have time for that,” the ant answered. “I must work hard so that I am not without food and shelter when winter finds me.”
“很遺憾,我沒有時間玩耍”, 螞蟻回答道,“我必須辛勤的工作,這樣我才能在冬天到來時不會沒有住所和食物”
“Stop worrying so much. There’s still plenty of time to prepare for winter. Let’s sing and dance together! Let’s laugh and enjoy life!”

But the ant was wise. Without listening to the grasshopper, he continued to work, storing food in preparation for the long winter.
Winter that year came sooner than expected, and the grasshopper found himself with neither a home nor food. He went to the ant’s home and begged him for food and shelter.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t help you,” the ant said. “I have only enough food and space for my family and I. Go find help somewhere else.”
“很抱歉,但是我無法幫助你”, 螞蟻回答道。“我的房間和食物只夠我自己和我的家人,所以請你到別處去尋找幫助吧”
“I should have followed the ant’s example in the summer,” the grasshopper thought sadly. “I would have been happy now…”

▍ 童話寓言 ▍ Prepare for the hard days ahead. Always prepare for the hard days to come. 未雨绸缪,居安思危 |
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